Siblings Day Celebration at VNGS Madipakkam

"Siblings are a special gift, and bonding among them is vital part of keeping families, communities and nation strong. Brothers and sisters provide an anchor for one another, becoming some of closest friends and most trusted advisers." VNGS Madipakkam celebrated Siblings Day on April 10. The day marked to honor the closest relatives and to remember the importance of brothers and sister in one’s life. The day was founded by Claudia Evart, a New Yorker, who lost her siblings at a very young age. Evart went on to establish an organization called the Siblings Day Foundation in 1997. Students at VNGS Madipakkam were very excited as they were given some time to celebrate the brothers and sisters, whom they are growing up with. Happy Sibling Day to all Brothers and Sisters. Blogger Ms.G.Srividhya. Primary Academic coordinator VNGS Madipakkam.