From Chennapatnam, 1639 To Chennai 2018, Moore Market To Metro Rail, Trams To Tidel Park & more…

The Madras Day celebration was all around the city in August and our team of sixth graders got to know about all these.We read that Madras day is the day when Madras was named by the East India Company way back at 1639.

Those days our Chennai was called as Madrasapattnam or Chennapatnam. To remember her glory, heritage walks are conducted every year to the heritage sites left by old Madras. We have also asked our Principal mam to take us out to St. Mary ‘s Church and the Rippon building which are worth seeing heritage buildings.

“Namma Chennai“as we fondly call her ,has the cultural flavour from December kacheris to Barathanatyam, ghana to kalakalkutthu. She is the safest city in India and we love her for giving us that secure feeling .

LOVE YOU MADRAS! Love you Chennai !We are proud to write about you.

K.Kaushik Ram

By the sixth grade bloggers of
Velammal NewGen School,  Madipakkam


  1. Dear sixth graders, very well said. As a Principal of the School feel elated to read your thoughts penned. Kudos to your collaboration. Happy blogging!

  2. Dear Kids,
    U guys said it right. Enjoy Mother Nature and Mother Chennai

  3. Dear learners,
    This is a wonderful initiative. All of us need to celebrate ourselves more. Chennai is the best place to live in among the metros in India. Proud to be a Chennaite. Wish you all the best.


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