Madras Day… Madras Week…Madras Month.....Madras all the way!

Who doesn't have a birthday.... our beloved city of Madras too, has its birthday!  The first and oldest city of modern India, Madras, came to be known by the name on 22nd August 1639.  Kolkata is 50 years younger than Madras and Bombay is about 35 years.And here she is,the old city with all her exuding charm ...Namma Chennai !!!
This year our lovely city Madras just celebrated its 379th birthday.
Any idea why this celeb??? 
The idea of Madras Day was born when a group of Madras lovers got together a few years ago and decided ,”Yes ! The city needs to be  celebrated and its history, traditions and culture needs to be talked about “
Our city celebrated Madras Week by dedicating seven days to celebrate the history, culture and traditions of our place
Though called the Madras week celeb,it became a “Madras Month” with festivities and events planned throughout August and a bit of September.  Madras week festivities included heritage walks, cycling race, photo exhibitions, lectures and quizzes to hail its 379th year.I’m proud to be a citizen of Madras ,which has become Chennai now....Love you dear city💖️
Harini .P
Sriharshini V.S
Sinduja U.V.
Sirisha S.
Bloggers of 7th grade
Velammal NewGen School, Thiruvottiyur 


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