Message from the VP Corporate’s Desk…

Dear Teachers,

Wish you all a Happy Teachers Day!

We must realize that we are no longer teachers but the leaders of 21st Century. We like it or not, it is TIME that has changed images to videos, lectures to activities, text book to tab and rote learning to discovery learning. When the change is inevitable, let us learn to change the perspective of our profession and the styles of our teaching to float in the Ocean current of the 21st Century.

Gone are the days when we centered ourselves to drive passive learning in the class rooms. Let us fast-forward now from people to process, learning to research, objective to outcome, knowledge to skills.

Let us arise, awake and sleep not! The purpose of our presence in the class rooms is not for teaching ‘basics’ but ‘new basics’! We learnt by reading or listening but our children wish to learn by doing and experiencing. So, let us discover the ways and means to teach in a way the children want to learn!

Let us change before we are changed is the caution from the Emperor called TIME !

Yours in Velammal,
Kailasam M                                                                     
5 September 2018                                                                  


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