Diwali sans loouud noise & fumes of firecrackers and yet fun...

This year, November 6th, 2018 is a special day for all of us and we celebrate one of the most iconic festivals of India. Want a clue? It’s also called the festival of lights. Yes you guessed it right, Its DIWALI!  
There may be many ways in which different states celebrate Diwali, but the typical way of celebrating it in Tamilnadu is waking up early in the morning, taking a nice and warm oil bath, wearing new clothes, praying to Gods or visiting temples, having special breakfast, eating lip smacking savories and sweets like GulabJamun,murukku,adhirasam,mysorepak,madras mixture etc. Yum! We distribute homemade sweets to our neighbors and relatives. And then is bonding time. We flaunt our new clothes and visit houses of friends. The TV channels have special programs and also telecast 2 or 3 new movies which people at home watch and we do sometimes peep. After doing all of this, it becomes twilight. So yess! This is the time we burst crackers like 1000 wala, rockets, rainbow crackers and wave some sparklers, and have fun playing with friends. This is the way many children celebrate Diwali including us folks. But do you know how much pollution the crackers cause? We got to know from our teacher that the fumes cause a very high level of air pollution and old people, patients and our dumb friends like animals and birds feel suffocated. It also tarnishes old monuments which are heritage sites.  
Here we are going to tell you, how we can celebrate a better Diwali. Ahh yes, can we substitute fire crackers with the paper crackers that we make in school. And those would make an excellent replacement for those noisy and pollution causing crackers. And secondly we shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets which can cause indigestion and obesity. Instead we can share the homemade delicacies with youngsters like us who are orphans, who live in care-homes. These simple tips can keep our mother earth clean, green and beautiful and keep all of us happy. No doubts that our Diwali celebration can still remain as enjoyable as possible.

The Government has banned bursting fire crackers all through the day and we students of Velammal are in the process of making Greeting Cards propagating this message. We would be giving these cards and wishing the community around the school a Green & Happy Diwali!!!


                                                              By the bloggers of Velammal NewGen School,Medavakkam

