Started spreading this message and this message got imprinted in our minds, “Green Diwali”

                                  This was the hot topic among our friends group during snack time, which pushed aside discussions about new trending clothes and mandatory Diwali selfies…what’s so important about a cracker free Diwali? why is it all in the news? The discussions that followed in the class was eye opening .Good that our school sent us to talk about this in the neighbouring community .The day 31st October 2018,was eventful and we all  took an oath that we will celebrate this Diwali as a smokeless & cracker free Diwali and not  harm our Mother Earth by bursting crackers.  
We were the young ambassadors chosen by the school to do THE job.

      To start with the Principal had a meeting with all the student council members of our school and we together decided on how to plan for a community connect program, creating awareness. We the student council members along with our senior graders paired ourselves and spoke to each class about the awareness we need to create. We spoke to classes starting from grade 4 to 7. We gave instructions to prepare placards, greeting cards, slogans and small captions on a smokeless, smoke free Diwali All the students joined hands and spent some time in making beautiful cards and placards for the same.

      Bustling with energy, pulls and picks and small arguments, we students got ready with all the placards and greeting cards. All the students assembled in the school corridor near our office room and our Principal ma’am with the class teachers of grades 4 to 7 grouped us as four teams, mixed up with all grades and allotted leaders for each team.

Mirdulla , Yogitha ,Amirtha and  Nikarika  lead the teams and the students followed to meet the people near our school area  covering the nearby streets. We all went to the flats and houses of all the four streets. The people in our locality we met felt very happy that we Velammal students are out of our school walking on the roads to create awareness. We intended that instead of spoiling our Earth with costly crackers, we can meet up with friends and family and bond and connect. Some of the neighbourhood people invited and treated us with sweets too. We all had a great experience and felt happy and proud to connect with the community. Proud to be Velammalians !

                                By the young bloggers of Velammal NewGen School,Madipakkam
·         Nikarika
·         Sanjanaa
·         Manasa   
·         Amirtha
·         Yogitha
·         Mirdulla
