STUDENT LED CONFERENCE at Velammal NewGen School, Navalur.

Our school SLC, student- led conference, was a meeting time with student and his / her family during which the student shared the portfolio of work and discussed progress with family members. This SLC built students sense of responsibility and accountability of their own learning, and it helped them to understand what learning target meant, as we have subject learning target and individual learning target. The teachers and I were able to get a better picture of each child. We sat down with each student and reviewed their strengths and weaknesses. This conversation often told us the students learned more than perhaps what we had measured through conventional assessments. The students freely discussed where they need to work hard and where they were wrong.
I feel the best thing is that it helped them to accept responsibility for their learning.
The SLC BINDER  was a portfolio collected by the students and the teachers.It  also had the answer papers ,Report Card,few photographs, art work of students and these 6 sheets:
  •  The  2 stars and a wish sheet had the strength of student’s academics and co scholastic and provided a space to record the areas they need improvement. It also had feedback from teachers to state where the child is a star and where he needs improvement.
  •  My learning reflection sheet had details of GCR, Weekend homework, Extempore and Club activities .The students recorded their experience and some even took it up as a challenge to complete their GCR homework which was pending.
  •  How I learnt from my mistakes? sheet had the child admit the mistakes and learnt to analyse the mistakes. They learn from their mistakes so that they do not run the risk of repeating them. They developed the wisdom and sense to make good decisions and choices. 
  •  Explanation of their Journal  identified the Glow and Grow areas in academics and recorded a reflection.
  •  Portfolio ended with LEARNING TARGET: The purpose of effective instruction is to promote meaningful learning that raises student achievement. The quality of both teaching and learning is enhanced when teachers and students aim for and reach specific learning targets. Students learnt to aim for a learning target to reach the goal they have set

Happy to be a part of SLC at Velammal NewGen School,Navalur

Blog post by Ms.UmaDevi 
Academic Coordinator,
Velammal NewGen School, Navalur.
