Trip to Aavin Milk factory

We the grade four students were all zealous to know about the Aavin  milk factory. On reaching we were guided by Mr. Albert, the manager at the factory. He helped us understand the routines of the factory.

We were taken to the place where the tankers carrying milk were weighed, to check the quantity of milk received from various places! The milk received,is filtered then boiled to certain degrees to kill all the germs. Then it is cooled in large containers. We saw how the butter is packed and stored in a big deep freezer. The freezer was a humongous room and was maintained at - 0.08 degrees.

We went on to see the way milk was getting packed and sealed with the date and seal stamp.The process of packing was automatic. The entire place looked neat.

We were lucky to have a guide. He explained the colours of packets and about their fat content. The details of date and stamp were clear to us. Code ‘M’ stands for packed in the morning. ‘A’ for afternoon‘E’packed in the evening. Hence forth everyone one of us can check for packed date and time, before buying the milk packets. 27 lakh litres of milk is consumed by the Chennai city. The milk is brought from the villages. 3 lakh litres of milk is converted to butter and milk powder at the factory.

The big learning was that there three plants in the city. Shozhinganallur, Ambattur and Madhavaram. The other milk products like khova, ice creams, panner, curd and milk shakes are manufactured at the Ambattur factory. At the Shozhinganallur only milk and butter are processed.

Bloggers of Grade IV,
Velammal New Gen School, Madipakkam.


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