We had SLCs :Student led conferences in Velammal NewGen School,Kelambakkam with these objectives 

  •  to help the students develop ownership 
  •  to foster and build independence in students
  •  to make students take pride in their success
  •  to help students identify areas for improvement  

The timeline was like this

  •  Preparation of the SLC binder portfolios / Folders / Goals which was on going
  •  Invitation to family sent home 2 weeks prior to the conference
  •  Rehearsal of the Conference ,a week before the conference.  
The SLC Binder portfolio had all this

  •  2 stars and a wish
  •  My learning reflection on Google Classroom & Weekend Homework,Extempore & VOV Radio,Clubs & Co-curricular activities             
  •  How I learnt from my mistakes…  
  •  Journal Explained
  •  Glow & Grow and Student Reflection  
  •  Reflection on my learning-Learning Target,What I did well,Next steps/I still need to work on

(with all the answer scripts,photo and pieces of art work of the students and the Report Card)

...And on the SLC Day the students confidently discussed their academic goals,mistakes and reflections.I was overwhelmed seeing them talk confidently with their SLC binder spread out before them. It was on the whole a thoroughly exciting journey for me and my team at Velammal NewGen School,Kelambakkam. 

                                                                                                                                                                                       Blog post by 
                                     Ms.  Sushmita Deb,   
                                     Principal,Velammal NewGen School,Kelambakkam 
