Saturday,the 27th July witnessed the Enchanted Readers Program for kindergarten.The parents were invited with the students and the classes were all decked up to receive them. It all began with morning greetings in a typical way with HiFis,fist bumps etc.As the parents and the children did this it was real fun . Then the program kicked off ,it was child centred on reading readiness. The parents were demonstrated phonics in use, how we teach phonics, blending, segmenting and the tricky words. Each and every letter was done with sound and action. The children did blending and read the tricky words. There was an ice breaking session where the parents were made to draw imaginary pictures. This activity was done for insisting the importance of reading. Picture reading is essential for SKG children.The program ended with a “plea to the parents”,the parents were asked to set a time with a story book every day with their child, to make them Readers. ...