VNGS Madipakkam - Field Trip

Students of VNGS Madipakkam visited the Farm Guru on 7.3.2020. It was a day of  opportunity to experience the farm in all its rustic glory and to live the farm life, albeit for a day. 

The open expanse, fresh air with the smell of the soil, the beauty of lush green paddy fields and the songs from the birds in the trees was an experience of its kind to the students. They spent chasing butterflies and watching tadpoles, fishing, experiencing the warmth of the sun and the cool splash of the water from the well. As they walked through the paddy fields and the plantation, the smell of hay and of flowers that bloomed that day amazed them. They loved  the taste of the tomatoes  they plucked from the plant and the smell of the radish with it leaves.
Apart from the hands on experience, students also learnt about the stages of farming, starting from ploughing, drip irrigation, sowing, transplanting,weeding, harvesting and threshing through a session. The 'life of a farmer, his struggles and the solutions'  were the focus of the day in the session. The ride on the bullock cart and tractor was a memorable experience said our students.

"The essence of education is to pave way for students to live responsibly in a community".

Blog Post by,
Ms.Anuradha Eshwara,
VNGS Madipakkam.


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